Saturday 12 March 2011

Folkestone TCM's St George's Day Photography Competition...

Hi All,

Thanks for tuning in. I am just writing a quick one today to promote Folkestone Town Centre Management's St George's Day festivities, which will incorporate a wide variety of activities and shows, including a photography competition. I am very proud to be involved in this particular segment of the celebrations, as all entries will be judged by both myself and local photographer Dan Desborough. Here are the details you will need to get involved:

FTCM are organising St. George's Day Celebrations! As part of the celebrations, there will be a PHOTOGRAPHIC competition.

Prizes include:
- Winners of each category featured in the Discover Folkestone Hythe & Romney Marsh Visitor booklet (over 50,000 distributed yearly)
- A meal for two at the Grand
- Photo frames
- Vouchers
-  ALL will be displayed in Shadow Artworks, Guildhall Street for the public to view
- ALL put on the Folkestone Tcm & Discover Folkestone, Hythe & Romney Marsh Facebook pages

There are four categories:
1) Natural Folkestone (Three groups: Under 12s, 12 to 18s & over 18s)
2) People of Folkestone (Three groups: Under 12s, 12 to 18s & over 18s)
3) Heritage of Folkestone (Two groups: 12 to 18s & over 18s)
4) What Folkestone means to you (Two groups: 12 to 18s & over 18s)

To enter:
Send us your PRINTED pictures (no larger than A4) and contact details by 15th April to:
Folkestone Town Centre Management
The Management Suite
Bouverie Place Shopping Centre
CT20 1AU

or drop it into us at the address above. We are on floor 1M of Bouverie Place Shopping Centre (Above Asda)

They will be judged by local photographers Dan Desborough & Matthew Ebbage.
Winners will be announced at the St. George's Day Celebrations on 23rd April.

Spread the word and GOOD LUCK!

You can get more details about Folkestone TCM on facebook here: Folkestone Town Centre Management. This is going to be a great event as the Folkestone TCM events always are.

I am also very proud to announce that ebbage-photo will again be shooting the Folkestone Multi-Cultural Festival this year after last year's successful weekend. You can see last year's images in the event section of our website, or you can visit the Discover Folkestone website here: Discover Folkestone and find your way to last year's article.

Good luck to all who enter the St George's Day competition and thanks for tuning in. As always, catch you on the flip side.



  1. This looks like so much fun! How I wish I could participate. Unfortunately, I am living in the wrong country. :(

  2. Yeah it's gonna be great. Maybe they could air-freight any prizes won to the states?? haha

    Keep snapping. xx

  3. Is it 1 photo per category n can u enter all categories?

