Wednesday 20 April 2011

Mr & Mrs Townsend...

Hi All

Welcome back to the blog. Recent events/work commitments etc have meant that I have not been able to write anything for a good few weeks now, so it is great to finally have an evening where I can sit down at the laptop with a nice cold beer and update you all on what has been going on for us in the last few weeks.

The most notable event in our calender recently was back on Friday April 1st when we headed off up to Cliffe, just outside Rochester for the wedding of Jenny Sutton and Chris Townsend and what a day it turned out to be, and what a fantastic couple they were! The whole day went without a hitch and thanks to their very relaxed manner in front of the camera, we were able to get a great set of images for them.

Having ventured up to the church on the wednesday night for the rehearsal (and almost not making it thanks to a puncture on the M2) we were both really excited to get up there on the Friday and get shooting, as it was a lovely old building with some great features, including a peephole up in the bell tower that we were given permission to shoot from and that made for a fantastic few images! Thanks again at this point to Maureen & Ken for giving us the run of the church and allowing us to capture such a great day.

Following the service, we headed off to Cooling Castle Barn for the reception, and anyone who has been there before will agree with me I am sure when I say that it is one of the best wedding reception venue's I have ever seen! The barn itself with it's high exposed beams and natural features made for the perfect backdrop for a cracking set of images. The weather on the day also made for a great shoot and allowed us to get plenty of pictures both at the church and the barn, culminating in a gorgeous sunset that we were able to work into the final images in the collection.

Thanks go out to the new Mr & Mrs Townsend for allowing us to document their day, we had a great time doing it and sincerely hope that comes across in the final images. Here are a few images we were able to capture on the day, we hope you like them.

Thanks for tuning in and, as always, catch you on the flip side.

Matt & Chris

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