Monday 14 February 2011

Steve Bradley Images...

Yesterday was another fantastic day for ebbage-photo, thanks to a great days shooting and editing with Steve Bradley,a local actor and performer. I met Steve a few months ago when he performed in the musical production of The Wedding Singer that I shot (see events photography section of the website) and it was great to see him again and shoot some headshots and a few portfolio images for him.

Steve brought a great array of outfits and accessories so being creative with his images was very easy for me, as he is a great guy and very open to trying some new things and goofing around in front of the camera. We nailed his headshots pretty quickly so we went for a coffe and then decided to use some of the items he had brought along and tackle some portfolio images.

While his headhots were the main focus, I feel pretty confident that Steve would agree that this image (left) is the shot of the day! As soon as we got back home and got set up in the study with the laptop, we were both keen to get this image edited and finished because it looked like a winner straight out of the camera.

Steve also knows my girlfriend Alice well, so after our shoot and editing session he was happy to accept our invitation to stay for dinner and catch up on some musical theatre chat whilst watching the movie version of Rent. Good times had by all.

Thanks to Steve for a fantastic day, both during the shoot and the hours spent editing and chatting afterwards. We certainly had a great day and I hope that comes across in the images. You can see the full catalogue of images from the day on Steve's awesome new website. Go and check it out, you won't regret it!

Cheers for tuning in, catch you on the flip side!


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