Saturday 29 January 2011

Gospel Choir...

So, the work is starting to come in thick and fast now, which is a fantastic feeling. The life of a photographer just keeps on getting better and I have already had some great shoots with some fantastic people.

Thursday night was no exception, as I was over at Barton Evangelical Church in Canterbury where a friend of mine , Phil Hornsey, has set up a new Gospel Choir. Phil has done an exceptional job as the group have only been together for 3 weeks and there are already 30 - 40 people attending the rehearsals, and they are sounding great!

Phil asked me to pop along and see if I could capture some of the atmosphere of the group and provide him with some images for their website (coming soon) and for any press releases, and of course I was more than happy to oblige. Here is one of the many images I took while the choir were rehearsing. To see a the full collection of images, you can visit

I am now turning my attention to a few new projects that are in the pipeline, including some model shoots, some more corporate work, and of course putting in the prep work for the weddings we have coming up.

Thanks for reading. Catch you all soon.


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