Saturday 8 January 2011

The Weston Group

Being a photographer is great! You get to travel around, meet some great people, and be as creative as you can in new surroundings. You also have the opportunity to put a smile on someone's face by giving them a set of images that make them go "Wow, I like that!".......if we have done our job properly of course!

Yesterday our job was to capture the smiles of the team at, a telecoms and communications company based up in Leeds. So, after a (very) early start, we jumped in the car and headed up to a cold and snowy Leeds to capture some new promotional images for Mike Isherwood, the company CEO.

After a quick chat and a large coffee, we cracked on with capturing the require images of their new equipment (see image attached), their demo suite and their happy and smiling staff. We were fortunate enough to have some very willing volunteers in the form of Steve, an engineer who didn't stop running around helping us out all day (thanks mate) and Stacey, who made for an excellent makeshift receptionist and hand model (thanks to you to!).

Walking around a busy office with a camera in hand is always a funny experience because, after only 20 seconds in a room, you can tell all the people with their heads down hard at work, and all the people pretending to be hard at work because they are petrified of the guy walking around with the camera! It never ceases to amaze me just how many people say "oh please don't photograph me, I am really not photogenic" or "I hate having my picture taken!". However, when you show them the shot you took 2 minutes ago when they were naturally just chatting and laughing with their friend or colleague, oblivious to the camera, all of a sudden they are not so scared! This is the benefit of the style of photography we choose to adopt, because we capture and document real life, not just a freeze-frame of people huddled together saying "cheese"!

Despite being very new to product photography, we had a great time yesterday with the guys up in Leeds. We would like to sincerely thank Mike, Darren and Michelle for the opportunity to come and spend the day with you and look forward to what we both hope is a long and mutually beneficial relationship. We would also like to thank everyone else at The Weston Group for your help and hospitality. We hope you all had as much fun as we did.

Matt & Chris

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